A dense network of forest roads and logged areas surround the Peurakaira area in east and south. Forest access roads have been built also inside the core area, although all of them have fortunately not yet been used for logging purposes. The last part of the road leading into heart of Peurakaira was built in 1990s. The road ends at the edge of Sarviselkä, two kilometres away from border of Hammastunturi wilderness protection area.

The eastern part of the area, named Katramorosto, has already been partially fragmented by logging. Still there is left a lot of valuable old-growth forests in a relatively solid wholeness. The Peurakaira area itself remains in natural state and has practically not been logged at all.

Metsähallitus has planned loggings in the centre of the area in Sarviselkä, Häntävasanpalo and Tämäkkä areas and in the east in Katramorosto area.

Most of the forests in the area have been classified as “forests for commercial use” and are hence threatened by industrial forestry.

Metsähallitus has planned to log 25 000-30 000 cubic meters of wood from the area annually. Peurakaira would provide only 1-2 truckloads of timber daily for the endless raw wood demand of the Finnish forest industry. However, for Peurakaira -area it would mean annual destruction of 500 hectares of forests. Considering the fragmenting effect of logging it can be estimated that an area of 1000 hectares would be spoiled every year. From the reindeer herding and nature conservation perspective is Peurakaira, with its 10 000 hectares of forests suitable for logging, of great value. Metsähallitus would destroy the area in ten years. The forests have grown there in their natural state for thousands of years.