One of the largest ancient forests outside protected areas in Finland. Grazing Area of Reindeer. Source of income. Ancient Forest. Landscape. Past and Present. Hunting Area. Source of inspiration. Sanctuary. Mushroom Forest. Cloudberry Swamp. Shrine.

Welcome to Peurakaira. Look at the images. Read about the past and the present. Get acquainted with the landscapes. Take a stand.

The Lappi reindeer herding co-operative summoned Metsähallitus to appear in court because of the logging plans in the area. Old-growth forests had been marked for logging for example in Sarviselkä and Häntävasanpalo areas. After field inspections and negotiations the reindeer herding co-operative and Metsähallitus agreed in January 2000 that no logging is to be done in the area for next four years. After cancellation of the logging plans, the reindeer herding co-operative withdrew the court case.

The agreement ended in the turn of the year 2003/2004. Now the destiny of the area is uncertain. Metsähallitus has not announced any plans to give up logging.

Peurakaira is included in the list and maps of Finnish old-growth forest areas prepared by Greenpeace and FANC Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. Greenpeace and FANC demand that the area must be excluded from industrial logging for good.

The images below are links to rotating 360° panorama-images from Peurakaira-area.
To wiev the panoramas you need the QuickTime plug-in.
!!! In Firefox & Opera browsers Quicktime 7).